NEW FightCamp Cookbook


Working with Jack has brought nothing but positive improvements to my ability as a professional athlete. His attention to detail, care & prompt response time during our work together has been on point. He has always kept me accountable & adapted my nutrition around my unique requirements being a vegetarian. I would 100% recommend the investment to any boxer looking to level up their game & add those performance percentages to their training camps.


Since Jack has been part of my team I have never made weight so easily whilst eating foods that I enjoy. By having Jack on board it has allowed me to fully focus on training & sparring at my best. Fight week used to be difficult & a slog but now I am eating foods all the way up to the morning of the weigh in. Jack’s played a major role in me winning the British, European & IBO World Title & I would recommend any serious fighter to enquire about bringing him on board as part of their support team.


I worked with Jack for my last WBA intercontinental title fight & hand on heart it was the best I’ve made weight throughout my career. I felt like I had the right amount of energy & was still eating a good amount of food throughout my training camp. Fight week was also made much easier & my energy levels did not dip once. He has a very effective system in place for clients to get behind & I would recommend other fighters to get in touch with Jack.


I cannot stress enough how much of an impact Jack has made to my fight camps. His hands on support & constant guidance makes the whole process stress free which means I can concentrate on improving as an athlete. During our last camp I made weight eating ice cream in fight week & performed the best I ever have done on a professional fight night. I am looking forward to working with Jack throughout my career.


southern area featherweight champion

Jack got in touch with my at best time in my boxing career in preparation for my English title fight. He added a huge percentage to my training camp & played a pivotal role in me capturing the belt. Jack really does possess attention to detail with his work & cares about his clients goals. I would recommend any boxer that is serious about their craft to get in touch with Jack. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made during my boxing career.


english middleweight CHAMPION

See What My Fighters Have To Say About Working With Me

“Since I started working with Jack, I’ve never made weight so easy in my life”